
Our Thanks!

image1A big thank-you to the appreciative audience for our concert this afternoon in East Chezzetcook.

Also huge thanks to our guests Rowan Wilson-Henkelmen and Ro Evans. Rowan performed solos accompanied by John Plant, and Rise Again with the Choir. Mo accompanied Blair for the “jazz” part of the concert.   A good time was had by all!

For those not able to attend you can see the varied program here and a post concert photo.

None of this would be possible without the leadership of Janet and Allan, and the able support of John – see program! Thanks to all three.

Practice continues for performances on May 14th and June 5th. More details on these to come.

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First Concert of 2016

Despite the snow today, Spring really has arrived and we are preparing for our first concert of the season. Do come along to Saint Genevieve’s Church, 715 East Chezzetcook Road, East Chezzetcook, on Sunday April 17th at 2:00 p.m. You will hear music of many styles from sea shanties to classical, including the popular Cape Breton song, Rise Again, with soloist Rowan Wilson-Henkelman.

Admission is by free-will offering and everyone is invited.



Concert – April 17th 2 PM

Saint GenevievesThis season’s first concert is approaching. Please mark April 17th in your calendars and help spread the word. Here are the details:

Coastal Voices Men’s Choir presents an afternoon of musical song and cheer at Saint Genevieve’s Church, 723 East Chezzetcook Road, on Sunday April 17th at 2:00 p.m.

Come and join us for an Early Spring concert presented by Coastal Voices Men’s Choir and guests. The program will feature music of many styles from sea shanties to classical, including the popular Cape Breton song, Rise Again, with soloist Rowan Wilson-Henkelman.

Admission is by free-will offering and everyone is invited.

Hope to see you there.